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Wyldecrest Parks Resident's Alliance

Registration Page

There is no doubt that our exposures of the devious activities of what has become  the largest operator of residential Mobile Homes in the market, is having its desired effects - So, the time is now right for us to join together as a proactive alliance that can and will ensure the future compliance`s of this operator  with their contractual obligations.   We can`t do it overnight - but with a planned strategy and collective determination, together we can drive the changes that are needed and which will then impact upon other rogue regimes. 
Below you'll find the Registration Form for Wyldecrest residents who want to join all others to do what`s needed to require this operators to put a halt to its abuses and negligence`s and comply with their contractual obligations.

This is a call to all Wyldecrest Residents



We said we`d need to do it and so we have. If you`re a Wyldecrest resident, you can now register and become part of the much needed fightback against the abuses and negligence`s of Wyldecrest Parks.


We don`t need to spell these abuses out in any detail. The stories are evidentially documented on these pages, in the responsible national and local media, in Tribunal decisions and many places elsewhere - involving seriously mis-sold onerous contracts, concealed leases, coercions of the unwitting and the elderly vulnerable, the deviously imposed financial exploitations, abuses and negligence`s and the wide ranging evasions of their contractual obligations - and more.


Everyone knows and most have seen. The home-owners, the councils, the protective services, the media that cares to look behind the faked façade, government agencies and the government itself - but beyond the occasional financial penalty that`s dwarfed by the obscene rewards, nothing has been done to deter this appalling regime or to hold the key players to proper account.


And why ? Because of apathy and incompetence, Because it`s always someone else`s problem and not least because we live in what are classified as caravans. Therefore, we are a minority sector and it`s our fault for making that choice.


Don`t get me wrong, there are very many MPs and others who support our plight and, of course, there are laws and regulations in place – but when not enforced they`re meaningless and  anyhow, things are different now. They`re different because the welcomed and evidence based commitments by the government to rid the market of the crooks that were made in 2013 and repeated again in 2017 and offered hope to the victims, have seemingly been abandoned, creating a divided market. - That which serves its purpose and its home-owning residents well – and that which remains in the gutter and is led by Wyldecrest Parks which is who todays move is about. The DLVUHC - Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities - have been made aware of this initiative and the reasons why.


Wyldecrest are NOT the only ones but they impose the abuses that others follow. So, I`m now asking Wyldecrest residents to register by providing their contact details so everyone is directly contactable as we develop and implement our strategies. Your details will ONLY be used for communications and will remain secure within a database that has the same inbuilt protections as a credit card company.


You`ll receive an automated acknowledgement and then our journey can begin.

Tony Turner

Wyldecrest Parks Residents Association Registration Form

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Wild West  Wyldecrest

Wild West Wyldecrest

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